Thursday, February 4, 2016

PSUSCC response to Representative Lew Frederick

Good morning, Representative Frederick:

We are PSU Students for Concealed Carry, and we are very disappointed in your views on the Second Amendment.

The video

shows the utter lack of understanding of what the Second Amendment is. Please read District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010).

In the same way that we have seen tremendous growth in technology during our lifetimes, the founders of the constitution saw incredible growth in the technology and philosophy of their day. It is unreasonable to assume that they were not capable of understanding that technology would continue to improve, just as we look with anticipation to the kinds of technology and advances we'll see in the next 20 years, or what our descendants will see in the next 200.

Additionally, your assertion that the second amendment should be interpreted during the era in which it was written - namely, that it should only apply to the technology available to the authors - shows a concerning lack of understanding on how the constitution works. The constitution and bill of rights are meant to ensure basic human rights that are inherent to all living people in the United States while growing to adapt to new challenges that arise through time. They were not meant to keep people living in the 18th century, nor were they written as government-granted rights susceptible to withdraw as the government sees fit.

We expect better from our representatives. We share your concern about gun violence, and expect that our leaders will come up with meaningful solutions that address the root causes of violent crimes - systemic inequality, lack of education, lack of resources or access to opportunities. The right of every person to self-defense is just as important as our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We strongly urge you to vote NO on any anti-gun legislation which does nothing to stop violent crime (which is down nationwide, by the way, during the same time of record breaking gun sales), and all to do with placing undue burdens on law abiding gun owners.


Kendra Moon


PSU Students for Concealed Carry

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